ANSI/ISEA 107-2010 for safety vest
It is necessary for people be seen with safety vest during working. Especially for the workers who is near moving vehicles or equipment. Workers can draw attention to themselves by wearing hi vis vest in an effort to help prevent fatalities and injuries from “struck-by” hazards. The U.S. Federal Highway Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recognize the American National Standards Institute / International Safety Equipment Association (ANSI/ISEA) 107-2010 as industry consensus standards that specify the performance requirements for hi vis garments and reflective tape.
ANSI/ISEA 107-2010: American National Standard for High Visibility Safety Apparel and Headwear
Approved in January 2010, the new ANSI/ISEA 107-2010 revision updates the ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 standard. The standard specifies the types, classes and colors of high visibility clothing required by workers exposed to traffic hazards, such as road construction workers, surveyors and others who work on or near roadways.
The hi vis garments basically including three parts: background fabric, reflective material (strips) and combined-performance material (a combined material of retro-reflective and fluorescent material). The color of the background fabric and the combined-performance material can either be fluorescent color. Combined performance material is considered part of the background for purposes of total area required. Retro-reflective material reflects light back to the source when light shines on it.
The standard specifies three classes of hi vis garments based on the wearer's activities. Garment classes are differentiated by the amount of background material; the width of reflective tape used and garment design.