Reflective vest-The dancing elves in the dark


Reflective vest is made of high visibility reflective material, what we usually see is the uniforms of traffic police and road workers, sanitation workers, especially on special weather conditions during the night. To a certain extent, reflective clothing reduces the unnecessary casualties. In recent years, with the improvement of people security awareness, many night riding and running night lovers, also began to wear reflective clothing, to prevent accidents, ensure the safety of their own.

In the absence of a lighting, if wear a reflective vest can be 200 meters ahead of reflective warning to the driver is presented, and did not wear a reflective vest, drivers of the line of sight distance is not more than 10 meters.

Reflective tape during the day while there is no obvious reflective effect, but a single color reflective vest is more visibly than ordinary clothing, or a strong visual reminder effects. This is why the traffic police, sanitation workers also must wear reflective clothing in the daytime. Accident always come when you least expect them to happen, so be sure to protect themselves well, wear reflective clothing with reflective tape, it is in the future.

Reflective vest-The dancing elves in the dark

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