Reflective safety vests keep children safe on the road


According to Penn state University website, a farm-safety extension educator in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences has found a way to keep Amish and Mennonite children safe as they travel on the road with vests made of reflective fabric.

Moyer noticed that some children were not staying in single file and following safety rules as they walked along the road. Then Moyer learned that there was not enough room to walk on the correct side of the road, and students had to walk on the right side of the road where they were not facing traffic. Moyer realized the situation was dangerous, and motorists may need extra help to see the children.

To accomplish this goal, Moyer examined ways to help motorists to better see the children as they traveled along the road. Some Amish and Mennonite families bought hunting vests, but none were small enough for the children. She found that child-sized safety vests were not available to buy, so she and an Amish friend created patterns that fit small children and started sewing vests themselves. The garments are made from lime-green or yellow-green mesh with reflective tape, the same material used by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Three vests can be made from 60 inches of material, and they can be small, medium or large, depending on the student's age and height.

During Moyer's road safety program, she demonstrates road safety rules by using a display board with movable people, cars and buggies. She also demonstrates the vests' effectiveness by having one child with a vest and another child without a vest stand at the front of the classroom. She shines a flashlight toward the children and asks the class to determine which child is better seen. And many volunteer provide some safety vest for children.

A safety vest makes you much more visible, so drivers will see you and have time to slow down or stop before hitting you.

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Reflective safety vests keep children safe on the road

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